Itek sioh

(*) (*) (*) (*) ( )
Auf der Grundlage von 2 Stimmen


850 g duck, cleaned, cut into 4 pieces
2 TL salt or to taste
225 g tamarind
3,5 dl water
15 shallots, ground
3 TL ground coriander
10 TL granulated sugar
1 TL salt or to taste
2 TL sweet soy sauce
1 TL ground pepper
4 TL frying oil for stir frying
1 dl water


- Coat the duck with salt and let stand for 15 minutes. Wash again, drain.

- Mix tamarind and water, press and sieve.

- Add ground shallots, coriander, granulated sugar, salt, sweet soy sauce and pepper. Let stand overnight in the marinade in a cool place.

- Next day boil the duck in the marinade for about 30 minutes then take from flame. Take duck out of pan and drain.

- Heat oil and fry duck until brownish. Return duck into the sauce. Add water if needed and continue cooking until duck is tender and sauce thickened.

HIER KLICKEN: Lebensmittel, Zutaten und hochwertiges Küchenequipment günstig und bequem online kaufen!
